—there are more information technology people at Immigration Canada than visa officers. This visa application centre system, globally, is serving for the first time in global immigration history as the intake portal for tens of millions of private citizens who wish to go to places such as Canada, Germany, England, the U.K., and Australia. So the writing is on the IT wall.
What we are designing in concert with other countries is a standardized, uniform, consistent intake of personal information. To remove the mindset, politicians and policy analysts can gather and determine the common-thread approach in terms of risk analysis for a visitor to their respective countries. There is no reason that a visitor to the United States presents a greater immigration risk than a visitor to Canada. We may differ on our views, globally, of history, politics, and the appropriate policies with respect to certain countries. That can be filtered out. Remove the mindset. Create that common portal, a universal portal to several countries, and provide global mobility.