What I would say again is that there is quite a rigorous process. There's a notice of opportunity that's posted on our website. I would encourage you to have a look at that. It sets out exactly what the IRB requires. Again, we work in partnership with organizations to set the notices of opportunity. They would certainly outline the kind of criteria they want to see for the needs of the organization. All of that is clearly laid out.
We have what we call an ongoing intake model for the Immigration and Refugee Board, so that notice of opportunity is up there all the time. People can apply all the time for positions, full-time or part-time, as GIC-appointed members at the IRB. That is how they're basing the kind of intake they're looking for.
In terms of the assessment tools, in terms of the exam, I would say I did have a look at the exam. I wouldn't divulge all the details of what's in there, obviously, to protect the integrity, but I wouldn't be able to pass that exam. It is a very tough, demanding exam in terms of making sure individuals are able to do a very rigorous assessment of a complicated issue and write up a very solid adjudicative decision that is then marked by experts at the IRB.