The return is always based on the voluntariness and the choice by the refugees themselves. What is important is that refugees are given the option and the information to assess for themselves whether it's safe to return and whether they will be able to return in a dignified manner. Here we have to draw the attention of the committee to the fact that it's not only a peace agreement that determines whether the people go back or not. It's also the resumption of basic services in the country of origin. The bombs stop, but you need also to make sure that you will have access to electricity, water, schools, health centres and, equally important, livelihood opportunities before deciding to return home. This is a choice that we give to the refugees.
When they indicate that they want to do it, we will support their return and their reintegration because our job does not finish when refugees cross back into their country of origin. It's also about the reintegration in their home.