I would like to add something and go back to the question you asked the HCR official. If a person conceals their gender identity, they can indeed receive assistance. If a person is tall, how can they be short? If a person is fat, how can they be thin? How can a person hide their pregnancy and become thin? If they are born that way, how can they change or hide it? It is difficult. People cannot hide their gender identity. The body has to be what it is, just as you do. Being an LGBT person is not a crime. It does not make you a thief. An LGBT person is not a speck of dust without value. This is why we are seeking protection and financial assistance from you.
It is also a health issue. In Uganda, we really have a lot of health problems. For LGBT persons who become ill, the situation becomes desperate. Many of us die, lose our lives for nothing, here in Uganda. Access to health care and the labour market are among the problems we face because of our gender identity. If we go work somewhere and people find out we are LGBT, we are fired automatically without being paid. It becomes difficult. In fact, it becomes a crime.