On training, in particular, I'll come back to my list of award winners, and we'll start there. In addition to Cinnaroll, Highline Mushrooms out of Leamington, in addition to hiring, provide interpretation services, language classes, scholarship opportunities for employees' children. The Prince George Hotel in Halifax provide direct hiring, on-the-job language training, workplace education. There are a number of employers who've stepped up. Those are the three award winners.
In addition to that, what we've created on our website, and it's been very popular, is a challenge for business in terms of corporate goodwill in the hiring of Syrian refugees. We've had a number of corporations step forward in terms of either making donations to the Red Cross, or to others, or to participating in the fund that's established through Community Foundations of Canada, whether that's CN or the Royal Bank of Canada. Now we're encouraging others to develop those hiring opportunities. We're getting quite a list of who's contributing, whether it's IKEA, Sun Life Financial, the five Canadian banks that have collectively donated $1 million. We've developed quite a list, Mr. Chair.