The important way to answer that is in the context of action that's taken in response to the situation in the United States. There are definite concerns that should be raised in terms of the protection environment that's in the United States. The question is what it does to Canada's global reputation and Canada's ability to engage in dialogue with a country like Kenya.
If Canada adopts more restrictive approaches to the arrival of 50,000 individuals crossing our border.... There are questions to be asked about the way the response has been coordinated and communicated and what have you, but if Canada responds in a particular way to that movement, what ability does Canada then have to speak to Uganda to encourage Uganda to remain open to the arrival of 800,000 refugees from South Sudan?
In terms of the very specific question of whether I think the United States is a safe third country, I think there are clear and important questions that need to be asked, but I would encourage the committee not to see that question of the safe third country agreement in isolation from Canada's ability to have moral leadership in the international community and in the global refugee regime more generally.