We need to be able to set up, if we can, some culturally sensitive information sessions for the newcomers in regard to domestic violence in Canada, on what the rights are, what the responsibilities are, what will happen. This is what we do at the centre in a limited way. But what happens if the wife complains to the police? What happens if the neighbour complains to the police and the husband is taken away?
It needs to be done in a culturally sensitive manner, in a safe manner. Programs such as this will need to be set up, particularly targeting this newcomer population that is coming in.
There is a great need. There are many issues coming out of this problem. We have heard of this particular family that I spoke of. We have heard that the wife has gone to Vancouver, that she's somewhere in Vancouver right now. This is a rumour and we have no idea whether this is true.
We need to be talking about these things.