When a crisis blows up, I certainly think there's nothing wrong in saying that for a short period of time we're going to set things aside and look at this one group, but when you do it at the cost of everyone else, it becomes an issue. I have heard this many times before. I hear it from my own clients and I hear it from sponsorship groups as well.
People are feeling.... Everybody wants to help the Syrian refugees. I've not heard anyone say they don't. However, when they see that their people or their type of application is going further down the list on an indefinite basis, with no end in sight, it becomes very upsetting for people, and they feel they're not being treated equally. I would say that if it's going to be a very temporary situation, I don't have an issue with those groups being prioritized, but that can't be a long-term solution.
I'm actually rather discouraged that all of the media discourse is about Syria, Syria, Syria. There are so many deserving refugees in the world. It's not only a Syrian crisis. It's a Middle East crisis, in fact. It's a very volatile region altogether.