All of these teams that we have are varied, with different skill sets. There are project managers. There are officials working in each of those groups. They manage their own teams, actually, and the work, so they take care of this.
They have one year. The refugee families have been told that they have one year to work with the group and co-operate with it, and the group is also told they have one year to work and see that the family is settled.
There is budget planning. There is skill-set training. If there is a truck driver, how does he get his credentials here? How does he get his licences? But first it's the ESL part, and then the licences. They are all hard workers that we are seeing. There are farmers, there are construction workers, so it's fairly easy.
However, in the case of professionals who are coming under various sponsorships, we are attaching the doctors and dentists to a group that has a doctor who could help them in at least getting them into the same field in some other job.