When I was in the hotel, I told them I had a condition and I needed to go and see the doctor. They sent me to the doctor. They provided a car. There was a translator present. For the second appointment, the ISS brought the interpreter, but they said to me that I would have to find my way back to the hotel. I told them that if I stepped outside of the building into the street, I couldn't go on my own, and asked them to please wait for me. Finally she accompanied me.
I go to different places on my own. Most of the time there are no interpreters. When I call the different organizations, like DIVERSEcity and those agencies that initially had the intake process for us, and say that I have a hospital appointment and need an interpreter, I'm told I have to give them one month's notice. The problem is that I know of the appointment just a couple of days ahead of time, so I cannot give them one month's notice. This is the kind of suffering I have to go through.