There are two paths.
The first path was the first proposal I made in my current job that I work at right now, which is the British Columbia Construction Association. It was to create pods. I find someone who actually speaks a little bit of English, connect them with the four or five permanent construction sites. That was perfect, but then I guess through their own funding programs, they're not allowed to employ them anymore, so that was stopped.
On the other one, I connected with other employers, a different sector in the trades industry, because they're more tradespeople. That was successful in a way, but we didn't find.... Most employers needed more contracts. They said, “You know, I don't have enough work to get your guys working.” So on my own I tried to get them contracts in whichever field they're in, in construction, and once they get the contract they hire the guys. So projects of three, four, or five months, whatever it is, they put our guys, and only our guys, on the project, not just because they're our guys, but because these are people who need to start work to help them financially as well.
Most of them have kids, but not everybody has kids to support, right? They needed that. They needed to get in the stream, or else the reality is they're going to drift off. If you're not going to put them on the right path, they're going to drift off. When they drift off we're going to say, “Why did you drift off? We've given you opportunity, and now you're drifting off.” We don't want to see that. So putting them on the right path, I think, is the most important thing. Otherwise, the reality is they're being offered jobs under the table, “Let me pay you cash; I'll pay you $9 an hour.” It's happening. Regardless if we accept it or not, it is happening. I'm trying not to make it happen, not to do anything illegal.
Make it legal. They want to make it legal, but these are the options they're getting right now, and the word of mouth, “Oh, I think you should do this” is not something.... Let's hear from somebody with the power of authority, “This is what you should do; this is the path. I'm going to put you on the right path.” This is what they're going to get into.