Federal government funding for We Welcome the World Centres has decreased 25% since inception, just by the 200% increase in clientele. Additional funds for settlement staff and child minding is essential to meet these needs.
Through our intake process, 30% of the families divulged that they had experienced or witnessed traumatic events. Immediate financial assistance to provide trauma counselling is fundamental to their successful integration. We encourage the government to continue funding SWIS programming, including our WOW orientation programs designed to help students connect with their peers.
In large Syrian families, mothers are particularly vulnerable, unable to access not only English-language classes but literacy classes, as many are illiterate in Arabic. They need services near their homes that also provide child minding for their young children. Financial infusion into this area is critical. Financial literacy is also imperative as many families do not have sufficient funds to feed their families.
Working with provincial counterparts, additional funds for specialty classes and breakfast programs are needed. Long-term solutions for employment, housing and transportation also need to be explored in the pricey GTA.
Zaiba and I thank you for this opportunity to speak with you today.