One thing I can speak to is the idea of just being in school. The orientation to school has been a big adjustment for students and they will continue to do that over the next year.
We have a framework that we have actually received from our Ministry of Education in Ontario, which is all about learning skills that children need to have for school. It's about being able to feel safe in school, and different things around co-operation and responsibility. Teachers are also being informed through professional learning sessions that we are doing of what to look for, signs of emotional distress or places where they can actually, as a teacher, intervene and help the student become more present.
We have provided schools with a series of books that allow students to, in English and Arabic, talk about their feelings, their emotions. When teachers start to notice signs that are actually beyond the scope of the work that they do, they bring it to the attention of the school team or the principal and social workers are involved.
I'm really happy with that support. We can always use more, of course.