I'd just like to continue to try understand why the current government is not prioritizing the acceptance and processing of persecuted minorities, including the Yazidis and others.
Mr. Orr, I come back to your point that to be eligible for resettlement in Canada, refugees must be outside their country of origin. Given the unique nature of Iraq today and the Kurdish autonomous region within Iraq—a subnational state but probably the most secure part of the country, with international air travel to and commerce with continuing in that part of Iraq today—a minister of the Kurdish autonomous government, if you will, came to Ottawa in December. The minister spoke to a number of groups and was pleading for Canadian assistance for persecuted minorities who are afraid to go into the UNHCR camps because they would be persecuted there, as they were persecuted after the fighting began and the internal displacement began.
Is Canada unable to access these people to determine...? Apparently they are there. The Kurdish autonomous authorities have said they would enable Canadian access to these persecuted groups, non-UNHCR designated ones. Has there been any attempt to investigate, to get in and assist them? This is one of the largest groups of Yazidis.