Over the last two hours we've already heard, I think, a lot of bureaucratic language from some of the government members on this committee in terms of reasons we perhaps can't or shouldn't be processing, in an expedited way, applications for persecuted minorities. Certainly we're recognizing that there's a humanitarian crisis that affects many people, but is there something practical we can do?
We can talk until the cows come home about reasons why we shouldn't act. I feel as if the government is trying to make a case for why we shouldn't do this.
In your estimation, and based on the demand we're seeing from private sponsor groups to actually sponsor people who are among the most vulnerable groups, is there something we can do right now to help these groups? We know there are groups that have identified Yazidi sex slaves. We know that the UNHCR is.... What can we do right now just to try to do something to help these people who are being eradicated off the face of the earth?