Good afternoon. I'm very pleased to be here this afternoon. Amnesty International would like to thank the honourable committee members for the opportunity to comment on the important subject of how Canada can best support vulnerable groups in inaccessible regions. Our briefing will provide some background on the issue of vulnerable groups, with a particular focus on internally displaced people, or IDPs. Before offering recommendations for immigration reform, or suggestions to better assist these populations, I would like to review some of the international law standards and background.
Unlike the 1951 convention relating to the status of refugees and its 1967 protocol, which provides special protection to individuals seeking asylum who are outside their countries of origin, there is currently no global binding international law instrument specifically addressing the plight of IDPs. However, this does not mean that international law is silent on the issue. General international human rights law and, where applicable, international humanitarian law establish clear obligations for states to protect IDPs and other vulnerable populations still residing within their countries of origin.
Furthermore, the specific protection needs of IDPs and state obligations towards them have been clearly delineated in soft international law instruments as well as certain binding regional instruments. Although efforts to further develop an international legal framework for IDP protection have focused primarily on articulating state obligations towards IDPs located within their own borders, international law has long recognized the crucial role of international actors. According to the UN guiding principles on internal displacement, international humanitarian organizations and other appropriate actors have the right to offer assistance to IDPs, and the consent cannot arbitrarily be withheld. The principle and that right of civilian populations to receive humanitarian relief have been recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross as reflecting customary law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.
There is therefore a clear recognition that, under international law, international actors have an important role to play in responding to the protection needs of IDPs. In many circumstances, even most circumstances, state authorities have played an active role in persecuting groups under their jurisdiction and cannot be relied upon to fully protect these populations. Even when they are willing to aid IDPs within their borders, states often suffer from institutional incapacity due to conflict or natural disasters. The sheer number of IDPs can often prove overwhelming to international aid efforts as well. According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, the number of conflict-related IDPs has surpassed the number of refugees every year since 1990.
The centre also found that the number of conflict-related IDPs has increased significantly in recent years, reaching the astronomical figure in 2015 of 40.8 million persons internally displaced by conflict.
Responding to the protection and humanitarian assistance needs of IDPs requires action on many fronts. A comprehensive response certainly must include responding generously to UN appeals and providing expertise and training to national institutions. For Canada, it should also include facilitating legal migration to allow individuals to escape situations of generalized violence and targeted persecution.
As a part of its response, Canada could consider the following measures. It could ensure that visa policy does not serve as a barrier to individuals accessing protection in Canada, either by lifting visa requirements for countries with significant protection needs or by ensuring there is an alternative procedure for individuals seeking to travel to Canada to access protection. It could enhance family reunification schemes by removing financial barriers to families in Canada who wish to sponsor family members who are IDPs and living in refugee-like situations. Canada could adopt a broader definition of the family for the purpose of family class sponsorships, again with respect to IDPs. Eliminating the excluded family member rule to ensure that initial omissions in immigration applications do not necessarily lead to lifelong separations is very important. This would be true for IDPs and many refugees. Canada could permit private groups and groups of five sponsorships for individuals who are internally displaced.
There is a need to streamline the application process and forms that are used in sponsorship referrals, as the current system is often onerous for private sponsors and unable to be responsive in a crisis. Canada could consider other humanitarian admission programs, including flexibility in the provision of student and work visas. Canada could also consider being flexible in the provision of temporary residence permits that would allow one to travel to Canada, where a refugee claim may be likely to follow. Finally there's providing the necessary resources to visa posts, which are responsible for processing all applications.
In addition to reviewing the current resettlement and family reunification programs, the committee could also recommend the creation of new immigration programs designed specifically for vulnerable groups still residing in their countries of origin. In the past Canada has done so through the programs such as the political prisoners and oppressed persons class and more recently the source country class. The latter was repealed in 2011.
Amnesty International supports the reintroduction of a source country program based on objective risk criteria. A government review of the source country class identified a number of shortcomings in that program, including resource constraints where a reliable case referral mechanism does not exist in a particular country. A reformed program, with strong coordination with humanitarian partners, could play a very important protection role for IDPs. The source country program was limited to specific countries, which were listed through regulatory amendments. We recommend a more open approach, not limited to designated countries, which would allow the government and humanitarian partners to be more flexibly responsive to situations and case processing of need.
Let me close by saying what is perhaps obvious, but nonetheless very relevant. It is so important that Canada open up flexible programs that respond to urgent protection needs of IDPs and other vulnerable groups, and do so by including a source country program. None of that, however, should ever detract from the resources and the commitments that are made to our current refugee protection and resettlement programs.
Thank you.