At this point I cannot provide any specific proof, but I know about several instances of sexual violence.
The last thing that residents of my town, Yasynuvata, told me—this may have been ten days ago—was that a 17-year-old girl was admitted to the trauma unit of the railroad hospital in the town of Yasynuvata with her wrists and ankles covered in wounds. Apparently she had been held down by handcuffs. X-rays were done, and, while the injuries to her legs and feet were just dislocations, all the bones in her wrists, according to the orthopedic surgeon, were nothing but small shards. He had never seen a thing like that in all his years of practice.
This young woman was brought in the custody of the Vostok battalion, had X-rays done, and then she was taken away by the Kalmius battalion. I don’t have any further details, and what happened to that young girl no one can say now. It’s the latest case of what I am aware of, but I know about many cases like this one.