First of all, I have to be very careful with what I say, because even though I'm not with the special monitoring mission, I do have former colleagues still very active there. There's a limit to what I can say for safety and security considerations.
You mentioned reconciliation. As this huge community of IDPs stays in their host communities longer and longer...and by the way, a lot of them have also gone to western Ukraine. People in Lviv, for example, have done a marvellous job in terms of hosting them, accepting them, and welcoming them. However, there may come a time when some sort of reconciliation process needs to be put into place to help different sides reconcile their differences.
The other thing Canada should be supporting or encouraging the government to do is this. I think in 2014 a series of round tables around Ukraine took place. People from both sides were invited to speak there. I thought those were very useful. I think about four or five took place, and then for some reason the government dropped the idea. But this sort of process, rotating round tables where people from different sides can speak and talk about their differences and how we can move forward, is very important to do.