—what the process is, in order for them to follow this process or, having a map, how to proceed in dangerous areas, as you indicated.
With regard to security, it was very clear in the proposal that many areas in Kurdistan, such as Erbil, are very secure areas. We have more than 400 Canadian soldiers on the ground. Many international delegations go back and forth. There is always a system, the same as we had in Lebanon, whereby we have a refugee centre where we can interview the people.
The bottom line here is that this is a pilot project. There will be gaps in it, I can assure you. But we are not here to sit down with regard to the small details or the logistics. Before we start all of this, we need the green light from the Canadian government. Without the green light, this is human trafficking. Do you understand what I mean? If we did this without the approval of the Canadian government, this would be human trafficking. We need the Canadian government to approve in order to start the logistics and the steps, and then we can look at the details.