There are currently seven or eight different forms. Yes, some of them are very straightforward, but others, for example, the generic form, the sponsor form, I can't remember the exact number of that form, but that requires someone to have access to computers. Not everybody has computer skills. Not everybody who comes to our office speaks English because they might have been here for a short time. And those forms are very repetitive. Those two specific forms have to be validated and that will create a bar code, and that's the problem we are seeing at our centre. We've submitted applications four or five months ago and they update the forms and they return the entire package. It is very frustrating for the client because this is a waiting game. They are anxiously waiting for a positive decision and when it comes back to them, it is devastating.
There is, for example, the background application that specifically asks for information regarding work history and addresses since the age of 18. I've had applications returned sometimes seven, eight months after because there was a gap of one month that was not accounted for. Someone who has never done a sponsorship application wouldn't know that. Maybe they could simplify the forms, have shorter forms, I don't know. But it is very time-consuming.