I'm looking for whatever data you are able to give me that gives me a sense of what data we may want to start collecting or start focusing on. I'll leave it at that.
My next question has to do with another thing we hear a lot. I know there are people in my riding who are already trying to line up for January 1 to put in their applications, and there are only so many spaces. My understanding is that there are 10,000 spaces within a very short period of time, and after the 10,000 applications are received—or I don't know how many applications are received—basically there's a cut-off. I wonder whether or not there's a better way for us to go about this process and whether that has actually been explored. I don't know whether we accept applications for a full month, and then throw everybody into a big lottery and then basically pick.
It just seems really crazy that I have to team up constituents to figure out strategically how they're going to get their applications in. That seems like a crazy process. Has there been any thinking around that?