Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Good morning, everyone.
I am very pleased to be here this morning to present my department's supplementary estimates (C) for the 2015-16 fiscal year.
I am joined by my deputy minister Anita Biguzs and four assistant deputy ministers, Tony Matson, Catrina Tapley, Robert Orr, and Dawn Edlund.
I'd like to talk briefly about a few significant items and then answer all of your questions, to the extent of my ability, on the estimates.
Since last fall, we have all worked extremely hard—especially the officials of my department—to help bring 25,000 refugees over to Canada from a very difficult part of the world. I would say that Canadians everywhere have responded extremely well through sponsoring refugees and donating food and clothing. Settlement service providers have done everything they could to help start these new Canadians out on a pathway to success. The private sector has also helped us with funding.
Thanks to all of this work, I have two pieces of good news to give you, which I only learned this morning, on the housing front. As I've said repeatedly, housing has definitely been an issue. It's one of the hurdles we have to jump to be successful.
The first piece of good news is that, as of the end of today, there will be zero people in the hotels booked for the department for first arrivals in Toronto and Montreal. There will be no more refugees in the hotels booked by my department in those two cities of arrival. Of course, there will be many in hotels elsewhere, but this is a good sign that the initial stopping point will no longer be needed. The refugees will either be in other hotels and temporary lodging, or they will be in permanent housing.
The second piece of good news is that I learned just today that, as of today, 67%, just over two-thirds of all of the refugees who have arrived here, are now in permanent housing. A couple of weeks ago, it was 52%. Since that time, a lot of refugees arrived in the last week or so before the end of February. As of today, 67% have permanent housing.
When we had 52%, the numbers were much lower. It was approximately 30% for Vancouver and Toronto. Those big cities are still at the lower end, but they've gone from 30% to 46%, in the case of Vancouver, in permanent lodging; 50% in Toronto are now in permanent lodging. This information comes from the settlement organizations.
The other thing to add on this is that the settlement agencies have now projected the date on which everybody will be lodged permanently. The latest of these projected dates is June. By May 10, all but three cities will have projected 100% of the refugees in permanent lodging. The three that will be later, later in May or June, are Moncton, Vancouver, and Toronto.
Still, the fact that we have moved from 30% to 46% or 50% in Vancouver and the fact that we've moved from 52% overall to 67% is certainly evidence that progress is being made in terms of finding permanent housing for refugees.
I am very pleased to announce that, in the past two or three weeks, the percentage of refugees now living in permanent housing has moved from 52% to 67%, which means that we have certainly made progress in this difficult area.
On that note, let me now go to the substance of the estimates.
My department is seeking access to funding of $17.7 million under the government-wide project contingency for the Syrian refugee effort. Such funding was previously approved and earmarked for this purpose. The request to access this contingency included funding to ensure that interim lodging sites would be ready to receive refugees, should the capacity of existing temporary accommodation be exceeded.
However, thanks to the involvement and efforts of stakeholders, we were able to expand our use of welcoming hotels and did not need to rely on these lodgings.
In other words, we have not needed to make use of military bases.
The contingency funding is being used to support temporary accommodation costs for refugees in regions, and any unspent funds will be returned to the fiscal framework at the end of the fiscal year.
The department is seeking $4.5 million to provide an updated amount to the Canada-Quebec accord on immigration. This will bring the annual grant the federal government provides to support settlement and integration services in Quebec to $345.1 million.
Under the accord, as you may be aware, the Government of Quebec is responsible for providing reception and integration services to all immigrants.
At this time when large numbers of people are arriving in Canada as part of the #WelcomeRefugees initiative, this funding is particularly important.
The department is also seeking approval to realign previously approved resources that had been allocated as departmental operating expenditures to facilitate the processing of refugees by departmental staff. This involves transferring $20 million to the grants and contribution vote for services that have been provided on behalf of the department by the International Organization for Migration in the overseas processing of Syrian refugee applicants.
In other words, we did a little bit of outsourcing: $20 million that would have been spent by the department was instead spent by the people in the International Organization for Migration, who have terrific expertise. I know; I've met them out in the region. They provided a lot of the help, so that's why the $20 million is transferred from money that would have been spent by the department to being instead allocated to IOM. Since this is a transfer from operating expenditure to grants and contributions, it is not a request for additional funding.
A significant allocation in these estimates is the $14.8 million in funding to continue to implement changes to the temporary foreign worker program and the international mobility program.
The reforms to the temporary foreign worker program were aimed at ensuring Canadians are given first chance at available jobs. Introduced in 2014, the reforms limited access to the program and introduced stronger enforcement, with penalties for those who did not comply.
Budget 2015 authorized funds of $42.7 million from 2015 to 2017 for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. In 2015-16, funds were used to change both the temporary foreign worker program and the international mobility program.
Another major adjustment involves funding to expand biometric screening in Canada's immigration system. Funding of $5.6 million would be used to develop plans to define, build, and deploy a larger biometrics program. In June 2015, it was announced that Canada would expand use of biometric screening over a five-year period to foreign nationals applying for a work or a study permit. U.S. citizens would be excluded from this measure.
Biometric screening would also be used for foreigners applying for a visitor visa or permanent residency in Canada.
This builds on the implementation of biometric screening for temporary residents.
Currently citizens from 29 countries and one territory provide fingerprints and have a digital photo taken when they apply to come to Canada temporarily to visit, study, or work.
Biometrics are a reliable and accurate tool. They enable us to confirm a traveller's identity.
Biometric immigration screening is used in about 70 countries. Its expansion will ensure Canada keeps pace with our partners, including the U.S. and the U.K., as well as other countries in Europe.
My department also proposes to continue support for Canada's migrant smuggling prevention strategy with funding of $3 million under the supplementary estimates. This strategy is an effort to disrupt organized human smuggling operations believed to be destined for Canada. The department provides assistance to intercepted migrants through the evaluation of the global assistance for irregular migrants program.
Finally I would draw your attention to a reduction in the appropriation for the federal skilled workers fees. The department has terminated most federal skilled worker program applications received before 2008. These estimates include a $23-million negative adjustment reflecting reductions for fee returns in 2015-16.
Mr. Chair, my colleagues and I would be happy to answer any questions from committee members about any part of these supplementary estimates or any other matter.
Thank you very much.