Perhaps I can begin and then turn to my colleagues.
In terms of the contingency, maybe I can describe it as more of a prudence factor, because we thought we would actually have to stand up the interim lodging sites, and of course, that was based on information we had in January or February.
As it turns out, as I say, we will have enough space available in our operating vote, for a number of different reasons, that at the end of the year we expect we will have enough funding in the operating vote to cover these costs. It would have required a vote transfer, and it is too late to do that.
In terms of the requirements involving vote 5, we think the requirements overall in vote 5 were greater, but there will be certainly enough funding left over in vote 1. I hope that's clear.
There are a number of reasons why we have funding available in vote 1, in our operating costs. In terms of the transfer we're doing, as the minister indicated, we are using a third party, the International Organization for Migration, rather than our own operating costs, which would have required staff. We would have had to put money into salary dollars.
It's also because our estimates were based on the best information we had at the time in terms of what would be required to stand up such a major initiative in a short period of time. As it turns out, our costs have been lower than we forecast.
For example, for transportation cost to bring people to Canada, we had estimated a certain cost that would be required. In fact, the cost came in much lower than we had anticipated. It would have been paid for either out of our operating vote or out of our vote 5, and a large part of the lower cost was due to our being able to get better rates because of the volumes we were chartering and the availability of commercial aircraft.
As I say, our estimates were based on the best information we had at the time, and the actual expenditures have turned out to be much less. All of that funding is earmarked. We can't use it for other purposes, so what we don't use effectively lapses.
Concerning the list of SPOs, I don't have it with me, but that's certainly something we can provide, Mr. Chair, to the member after this meeting.
I'm going to have to turn to my colleague concerning backlogs.