Is there any way to protect the applicants or the poor victims?
The problem we see, as you've heard from my colleague in the opposition, Ms. Dzerowicz, is that applicants seeks to come to Canada and apply under a program. This could be some sort of worker program, temporary foreign worker, or otherwise. The applicants seek a Canadian agent who does things, as Mr. Saroya said, and wants money first, then money later, usually in cash.
They get themselves caught in a catch-22, where if they report the person, either the employer or the agent doing this, their own immigration is in jeopardy. The only option is to carry on with the system.
I'm finding that a complaint mechanism isn't working because as the whole panel has said, it usually only happens if they get rejected. If the applicants are rejected, they feel comfortable enough to report it. While they're in the system or when they're being abused, they're not reporting any of this.
Perhaps I can ask Ms. Lutfallah, are there any other mechanisms you see that might help enforcement and those who wish to complain?