There has been a lot of tracking done of the amounts of money that go from the global north, particularly religious groups, to support anti-gay efforts back home. The figure is staggering, and it's not surprising, because they have a captive audience every weekend. Every Saturday and Sunday, they collect offerings.
The result has been a ramping up of campaigns, which we never saw before. We have seen massive protests, massive rallies, and well-funded conferences in Jamaica, Barbados, and Trinidad—countries that previously were known to be very tolerant. These laws were on the books, but not enforced. We're seeing multi-page media campaigns, etc., and things that we never saw happening before. We know this is not money that is generated locally, because the money's just not there.
To respond to that, we as LGBTQ activists are behind the eight ball, because we don't have access to funding in that way. Our local companies or agencies are not willing to be associated with us. I'll give one example. We approached BNS here in Canada to see if they would support work in the Caribbean to combat homophobia. They basically told us they'd have to defer to their local branches. The local branches said they might support HIV work, but they will not be associated with anything to do with LGBTQ rights.
We really are without resources. Thankfully, there's the Canada fund for local initiatives, but that only goes so far, and it's spread over the globe, whereas these people can get as much funding for one event as the Canada fund for local initiatives can provide in an entire year.