Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I'd like to introduce a motion to the committee that is relevant to this study, and which I would like to spend some time on. I hope other members will as well.
This study of immigration to Atlantic Canada is most important. Also, there are numerous motions that have been moved at this committee which have not yet been voted on. There are two studies which require the committee to finalize reports. There are few remaining days left in the sitting of this Parliament. The Minister of Immigration has only appeared before this committee once. He hasn't talked about this issue, Atlantic Canada, nor has he talked about other matters of urgent public policy important for us to consider.
Therefore, I move:
That the Committee reschedule the remaining meetings on the study related to Atlantic Canadian immigration and that the Committee hold hearings in Atlantic Canada in the summer months; and that the remainder of the time this Committee has in this sitting be used to complete our two outstanding reports and have all moved motions voted upon.