I'd like to thank all the witnesses for their thoughtfulness. There may well be some elements where I do not agree with some of the witnesses' presentations. That being said, I do appreciate the effort and the time they have taken.
I would like to direct my question to Ms. Douglas. I was particularly intrigued by the experiences that I know your organization brings and the number of people you are in contact with, your on-the-ground knowledge of reality. You mentioned that the issue and concern around the upfront proof of language in obtaining citizenship should be eliminated. I understand that. I can tell you that my mother, for example, has been a citizen for close to 50 years now, but if that test were to apply to her today, she would likely fail. In fact, she would fail it in her first language as well, because she has only a grade 6 level of education from China.
That being said, I wonder if you can elaborate on the point about the importance of the issues around barriers to citizenship in language and in finances. Why should it be changed, and what should be done in Bill C-6?