Here's my next question. For a citizen whose citizenship may be revoked under Bill C-6 due to fraud or misrepresentation on an application, you're stating that they should revert to permanent resident status rather than being inadmissible foreign nationals. What steps define that?
One example would be a war criminal who didn't state that they were a war criminal. I think that would probably be an appropriate person to be declared inadmissible. Others may just be somebody like an uncle of mine who I know overstated his age to get into the military in World War II and then wanted to come to Canada. He was 15 and wanted to be 17, so his records all showed that; perhaps today the rules might say that he was fraudulent when he came to Canada. For those, it may be pertinent to either remain a citizen or to at least be a permanent resident.
Should there be a two-step mechanism? Or is it a hearing process that you're proposing? What would be the appropriate mechanism to determine if one reverts to a being permanent resident or an inadmissible foreign national?