I am going to interrupt, just because of time. Can you please table that number with the committee? Can you also please table the percentage of claims that have been rejected? Thank you.
Similarly, can you please table with committee the following information? With respect to border crossings occurring at unofficial points of entry since the beginning of 2017, can you please provide a full breakdown of costs associated with asylum claims made by people illegally crossing the border; for winterized trailers installed at the U.S.-Canada border; perimeter fencing and lighting for winterized trailers; the use of Montreal's Olympic Stadium to house border crossers; the tent village built to house asylum seekers along the Canada-U.S. border; any other temporary accommodations used to house asylum seekers crossing the border; any other costs associated with housing and supporting asylum seekers, including food; any relevant transfers made to provincial governments related to the increase in asylum seekers crossing the border; any relevant transfers to municipal governments related to the increase in asylum seekers crossing the border; any transportation provided to asylum seekers crossing the U.S.-Canada border; all costs associated with opening and operating the new floor and reception room at the Peel Street joint processing centre that you alluded to; the number of staff reallocated to the Peel Street processing centre; the streams of processing that those staff have been reallocated from; and similar information for the processing facility that has been opened at Complexe Guy-Favreau?
Can that be tabled with the committee?