Your own website was where I got the basis of these questions. In regard to the time constraints you're facing, it's strange that we would allow someone to come into Canada without their even saying why.
The IRB website shows that they don't have to fill out sections 2 to 7 in the application form. Section 2 is titled, “Why You Are Claiming Refugee Protection”. I think that before you even get to the second stage, that would be something that should be addressed on this paper, and it doesn't seem to be necessary.
“Did you ask any authorities such as the police, or any other organization, in your country to protect or assist you?” You can go right through the whole thing. “Give any other details that you think are important for your claim for refugee protection.” They also ask if you have children who are less than 18 years old. These are questions that aren't even being asked. “List each country of which you are or have been a citizen.”
They're not asked to fill that out. I just wonder why.