It is absolutely two-tiered, but we also forget that it's not just two-tiered in terms of how much money you have or how much money you do not have. If you're a family with a child who has a disability, or an adult who has a disability, for the most part, if we look at statistics around the disability population, you're already economically under stress, and already, on average, earning less than most people. The notion is that people who can afford to have expert help have a better chance. People with disabilities, in their social environment, have less of a chance because they have less economic resources. They also have less time resources. It takes time to do all the work that it takes to appeal.
Families who are under stress when they have a child with a disability, or they have a family member with a disability, are under both economic and time stresses. We're triple. We have three factors that work against them having the chance to become Canadians.