Sorry, just to be clear, my criticism is not around the knowledge test itself. My criticism is around the knowledge test being done in English or French.
To give you an example from my own schooling, I did school in French. I learned my math and science in French. It took me years before I could even say “Pythagorean theorem” in English, because it's a difficult thing to say. It's difficult for me, even now. I've learned over the years, but science and math don't make as much sense to me in English as they do in French. It's not that I don't understand the concepts, although my grasp of the concepts is not at a particularly high level. I understand the basic concepts, but I understand them better in French than I do in English, because I learned them in French.
It's more about doing the knowledge test. You might have the knowledge of Canadian history and understand the democratic principles, and the democratic rights, and all of those kinds of things, but the language used to describe those things is often higher than a CLB 4.