My next question is regarding visitor visas. A significant amount of my constituents complain that when they ask for a visitor visa for one of their relatives to come for a wedding or a birthday or a funeral, these visas sometimes seem to be randomly refused. The refusal letters are pro forma. There are no details in them. They just say, “We think you're not going to go back”, or “We don't think you have the financial means”. There's a lot of frustration regarding this issue. I think it's very important to address, maybe in these letters, the details of why requests are being refused. They fulfilled all the criteria. All the documents are there. But some other people do receive the visas. It looks very random.
Could you delve into that a little bit? What are the criteria for visitor visas? Why are these letters pro forma and not detailed? I think people have a right to know why they're refused.
Thank you.