I'll try to mention this. I don't have the information ready on the visitor visas from Chandigarh.
I do want to mention quickly that we do not process visa applications in Chandigarh; everything is now done in Delhi. That has been happening for a couple of years. The decision-making has shifted from Chandigarh to Delhi. Only complex cases are done in Chandigarh, but most of the decision-making has shifted to Delhi.
In terms of the inconsistency, I do believe that we have programs that take into consideration every kind of travel. For example, it is very open that we have a CAN+ program. If you have a visa for the U.S. or for other M5 countries, we take that into consideration and give due credit for that.
In terms of procedure, there are times when the applications are submitted with a U.S. visa but there is no actual travel. Having a visa in there does not help us to gauge that there is travel. I do accept that at times there are mistakes. There are ways.... We regularly do a quality control check on our applications. We have an internal system for doing that, and clients are more than welcome to reapply. We will reconsider that if they reapply.