I just got off a phone call in which there was a discussion on anti-racism with the National Settlement Council. It was an amazing conversation. It was historic for us as a settlement community that was assisted by the settlement agencies and IRCC, so I'm very excited to see the potential resources from that. The funding for that is very important.
There is also a very interesting program.... Certainly for us, the Atlantic immigration pilot has been very important, but so is move to the economic mobility program where you're seeing refugees being able to come into the country through existing economic streams. That's not through the refugee stream, but through these regular economic programs, because they have the skills and experience and there is some assistance and administrative support to access these programs. That is a really critical and very interesting area in which we see the federal government offering some support.
I would also say that any support around technology is huge, as I said, in helping us to develop, increase and maintain our capacity. But just generally, really supporting access to broadband Internet across the country is key. It's fundamental that people have that ability to access those resources, especially when we see things like the libraries and public places where people might go to in non-COVID times not being available. When these are not available, people's access to information from their government and from the resource groups in the community is effectively shut down.