I thank the member for his kind words.
Before the pandemic, the lack of labour was the main problem in Quebec. I think it was in Canada as well. That's one thing that the virus hasn't changed, and that remains the sensitive issue that nobody wants to talk about right now.
The lack of manpower will slow down the development of many regions in Quebec, because it means that we won't be able to use all the generous programs offered by the federal and provincial governments. We are talking about digital transformation, innovation and the ability to do more online, and international trade to close the gap between our productivity and that of other countries.
It's the whole fabric of the recovery that is being hurt by this labour shortage. We are having a lot of discussions with the Quebec government right now. In our opinion, the immigration thresholds set in Quebec are not the right ones. Unfortunately, the government is not going in the right direction.
Interesting announcements have been made by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, but entrepreneurs are caught in the crossfire of the political debate, which is not a success factor for the recovery.
I will let Mr. Gagnon continue on this topic, as he is our expert on labour.