Let me come back to what Ms. Laplante was saying earlier. Farms resolved their labour issues once they no longer had to limit the number of workers and were able to bring in workers based on their needs. We feel that, since our activities immediately follow farms' activities, it would be logical to match the requirements.
Why couldn't we—meat producers or perhaps mushroom producers, for example—be considered an extension of farms and bring in temporary foreign workers according to our needs? Our goal is actually to integrate them into society. They generally integrate well.
We view agriculture as a series of activities. Since this is how farms have solved their workforce issues, we could perhaps solve ours in the same way. If not, let's increase the limit to 30%, as I am under the impression that, if it was increased to 20%, we would ask you to increase it to 30% soon.
So that is why we are asking to be seen as an extension of farms. We think that is a logical request.