You bet.
I'll talk about two streams. The Alberta immigration nomination program, the AINP—people love acronyms—has two streams. It has a stream for workers and a stream for entrepreneurs. The Alberta opportunity stream, AOS, is a temporary foreign worker program that allows people to look for eligible occupations in the province of Alberta, and that's been successful throughout rural Alberta.
The stream for entrepreneurs piece is what I'm really excited about. It looks at the international graduate entrepreneur stream, and allows qualified international graduates from Alberta post-secondary institutions to operate businesses in Alberta as well.
One thing too is that the beauty of rural Alberta is that we have rural economic development authorities—again looking at diversifying our economies in rural Alberta—and immigration has become one of the pillars of that conversation. All of these rural economic authorities throughout Alberta are seeing immigration as a key pillar to bringing people in, to look for investment and for a strong workforce.
Thank you.