Thank you very much, Madam Calverley.
Thanks for all the research that your organization, Hong Kong Watch, has done on this, because your numbers are compelling. However, the issue, of course, that we're seeing here, as you pointed out, is that we have 60,000 applicants in the queue to gain Canadian citizenship here, but only 445 were approved in the first quarter this year. We obviously have a long queue here, but that queue is going to be dependent, of course, on arriving with your assets.
Just give me some perspective. You've pointed out to us in your documents here that the average size is $38,600 Canadian per person. Therefore, with 60,000 Canadians coming over, there's going to have to be some replacement support. These people are going to have to earn, one way or another, in order to maintain the retirement lifestyle that they've contributed to their whole working life. Is that correct?