Let me reiterate the support of my colleague from the NDP here.
I don't believe that chiefs of staff act on their own without the authorization of their political master.
If you have correspondence to indicate that ministers were aware and knew this was all going on at the same time, that would be a pertinent piece of documentation we need to have—
I appreciate the support of my NDP colleague in this motion as well. It is well noted. In moving this forward, we have to make sure that we hold this government accountable. That's the role of all opposition parties: to make sure that all of this nonsense that goes on...that this government is actually very much held to account for that.
People talk about His Majesty's loyal opposition. This is what we do. We hold the government to account, and those people holding the government to account include the backbenchers of every party, not just the Conservative Party of Canada but also the New Democratic Party, the Bloc Québécois, and even, if you will—and I'm looking across the table here—the backbenchers in the Liberal Party of Canada. Malfeasance at the government level—that's Governor in Council—should be held to account in Parliament by all members of Parliament.
I'm happy that we're moving forward with this today, Mr. Chair, but I do want to talk about responsible government and what this means because there is, in the end, responsible government and ministerial accountability on the table here. That ministerial accountability can't just rest with the chief of staff. I appreciate that the chief of staff is the one who will have to be investigated by the RCMP if the RCMP determines that that person, Mr. George Young, chief of staff to then-defence minister Harjit S. Sajjan, was breaking the law in providing template documents for people to enter Canada from Afghanistan. That is something that we don't do in this committee. Our job here is to refer that to the people who will determine if charges should be laid, and those people, of course, are the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
I don't understand why this has been filibustered this long when it's something that should proceed as a function of normalcy in a democracy governed by the rule of law, with an arm's-length police body. This is something that we need to refer to them, and I'm pushing on how we can do that. I would ask this question to my colleagues on the other side of the table: If not this accountability, then what? This is clearly an infringement of the law. I'm not going to say whether this person is guilty or not. I am going to say something outside the process, the viable process that should have happened in a Canadian system of laws, was moved around here. Somebody worked around the system and provided some template documents so that some people were in line ahead of other people to get from a very troubled zone in the world into Canada, and that's not the way this country operates. We're a country with the rule of law.
The trouble I have with this is that 18 meetings, a basic filibuster on getting a letter out.... It's that whole concept of where there's smoke, there's fire. Is there a reason that my colleagues on the Liberal side of the table are moving heaven and earth to not have this paragraph in this letter to refer this to the RCMP to determine if charges should be laid against Mr. George Young, chief of staff to the Honourable Harjit Sajjan, the then minister of defence? It is something that perplexes all of us because it doesn't seem like—if I can say this—a hill to die on.
Mr. Chair, we need to move forward with this, but again, accountability.... I'll reference this whole accountability framework because this government came into power with the concept of accountability and transparency at the forefront. However, like many things I've seen with this government.... I know I've only been here since 2019—my colleagues will recall—but the Prime Minister came in 2015, and he was talking about raising the bar on openness and transparency in government. I suggest that exactly the opposite has happened, that this government is no longer transparent. It is opaque. It does not want to take accountability for any of its actions. It continues to put words on the table that it does not fulfill.
We have to move past this and actually get back to a plan where we have a government that functions the way it talks. Words on paper are one thing, but actually delivering against those words on paper is the role of the executive part of government. That is not being done right now.
The transparency act was introduced by the Prime Minister. The objectives were to achieve:
ending the secret nature of the House of Commons’ Board of Internal Economy and entrenching in law that all government information must be made both “open by default” and available in formats that are relevant and functional....We want a government that is more open after a thorough review and modernization of the entire Access to Information system; the elimination of all fees beyond the...$5 Access to Information request fee, which should be refunded in the event of delay; and for the Information Commissioner’s mandate to be strengthened by giving her the power to enforce information laws.
That was the intent of the current Prime Minister when he came into power in 2015. I suggest that nine years later, that intent is a joke. That has not been fulfilled at all.
Again, those are words on paper that this government is not abiding by. In finance we used to say that you're not eating your own cooking. Get back here, actually put these words down on paper, and recognize what they mean, even when it means asking the RCMP to investigate a chief of staff, the number one confidant of a minister in the government. That is incredibly important here.
Well, one of the things we're worried about here, and one of the reasons we think it may have been filibustered, as hard as it has been here, is the rush for people to get out of Afghanistan. People were in absolute misery. Their lives were on the line. That is something where you will do whatever you have to do at that point in time to get yourself and your family safe. Sometimes in those horrible situations, there are people in the mix who profit from the misery of other people. If somebody in this government has helped some third party profit from the misery that was being visited upon Afghanis at that point in time, then that's something the RCMP need to root out. They need to make sure that this “pay to play” that seems to happen so often with this government didn't get manifested in the evacuation of Afghani nationals who helped Canadians when we were over there and trying to instill a new form of government, a democracy for all Afghanis.
Canada is not a banana republic. We need a rule of law. We've had a rule of law. It is drifting down in the world, at this point in time. Nobody sees the rule of law in Canada being enforced anymore. This is one small example. Get this person examined by the appropriate authorities for doing something that he should never have done. Breaking the law does not go with impunity just because you're connected to the governing Liberal Party of Canada. You have to ensure that everybody has the same accountability, at the end of the day, and not just people who aren't your friends. Your friends have to meet the same bar of accountability here, going forward.
I can reference all kinds of instances, Mr. Chair. The SNC-Lavalin affair, of course, was the most pronounced where rules were broken. Cabinet ministers were effectively dismissed over what happened over a series of incidents. Jody Wilson-Raybould is no longer a cabinet minister with this government. She actually tried to speak truth to power and make sure there was some accountability for a mercantilist Prime Minister who was trying to make sure that a company where he had some connections didn't face the full consequences of the rule of law.
Again, part of what we're trying to enforce here is the rule of law applying to everybody and every entity. That's not happening at all with this government. Mr. George Young has to be held accountable for his actions here.
I would be remiss in not making sure we talk about how it's who you know in this government that gets you paid. I can tell you how many studies...and I was looking at another one last week. One of the government's friends is writing a report that is a nonsense report, but millions of dollars are being spent putting words on paper. The Auditor General herself brought forth the issues around the number of contracts of hundreds of millions of dollars that are going to McKinsey without any accountability for what's happening with those reports, at the end of the day.
Money is flying off the table. The government's friends are getting rich in the process, and Canadians are being ill served. Canadians are being taxed more in so many ways. The most egregious example, of course, is the raising of the tax that was introduced last week by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.
Even the Conservative side of this House—and I'm certain the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Québécois as well—is dismayed at how our international reputation is in tatters because of the way the world views this mercantilist government. This is no way to run a country, and we need to move past it and make sure we start governing effectively.
McKinsey is one example. We have other examples. These are a lot of rich people getting richer with this government's actions. We govern for the people of Canada, and we need to know that. The people of Canada elect us to come here and to make sure government is held to account so that this money doesn't slip off the table the way we've seen happen here.
I will talk about the greenwashing, of course. We can go through all kinds of that. However, there are all kinds of people around the world who are benefiting from this government's actions, actions for which they are unaccountable and that are leading us nowhere.
I'll go into the other two apparently offending parts of this committee report that don't seem to be seeing the light of day just yet. I'm hoping we get some consensus around the table that these are all the applicable paragraphs. Number 19 says:
During its study, the Committee was informed that IRCC, GAC, and DND had each conducted internal investigations and reviews regarding the issuance of “inauthentic” facilitation letters to third parties. In October 2022, IRCC concluded that the letters at issue “did not come officially from the Government of Canada.” The department was unable to determine the exact number of “inauthentic” letters that were circulated, and referred the matter to law enforcement in February, 2023. Former IRCC deputy minister, Christiane Fox, denied having found any evidence that Senator McPhedran had sent any documentation to IRCC staff regarding her actions. In March 2023, GAC conducted an internal investigation on the matter. In November 2023, DND informed the Committee that, through its own internal review, the department had concluded that none of its officials or those of the CAF were involved in the production or transmission of facilitation letters and that no staff were aware of third-party distribution.
There's nothing wrong with that paragraph, and yet it has not passed this committee yet.
Paragraph 20 says,
The Committee remains unclear as to how relevant officials and ministers were not made aware of Senator Marilou McPhedran's actions during the evacuation, and did not respond to them, especially since she was in direct contact with the DND chief of staff at the time. [The chief of staff in question was Mr. George Young.] As such, the Committee recommends that all notes, records, and reports from the investigation into fake facilitation letters be provided to the Committee upon conclusion of these investigations. The Committee hopes that such disclosure will shed light on any integrity issues within government evacuation processes, and that any issues identified will be resolved in the event of future humanitarian crises.
There's nothing wrong with that paragraph, again, Mr. Chair.
I read out the parts there, but I do want to get the timeline here so that people are aware of what we're talking about. The Special Committee on Afghanistan started its report shortly after the disaster that happened with this country and the people who were our friends in Afghanistan who were not assured that they could be evacuated in an orderly fashion from Afghanistan.
That committee started hearings on December 13, 2021. The new government came into being in October of 2021. That committee reported on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, and the response from the government was on October 6, 2022. These are normal timelines in terms of the way committees respond and report. Then the IRCC committee, this committee, started looking at this in February of 2023.
Here we are, over a year later. As I said, there have 18 meetings of filibustering on what should be a pretty routine, transparent process to move this along. We've heard from 26 witnesses. We need to make sure that we continue to get this letter in front of the appropriate authorities so that people are held to account. It's about accountability. It's about transparency.
I've said a lot here today, Mr. Chair. I hope my colleagues around the table will support this motion, get this letter completed today and move it toward action items that will hold somebody to account.
Thank you very much.