Thank you for referring to a report I wrote.
I think it's very problematic when you look at the funding. I can speak directly about Ontario, but it's similar, to different extents, in other provinces.
It was very concerning when the provincial government reduced funding to colleges and universities while simultaneously putting a freeze on the ability of those institutions to raise their domestic tuition. That put institutions in a very serious position. Colleges in Ontario are very entrepreneurial, and they realized they would have to do something to replace the reduction in funding. They turned to international students in unfortunately a very big way that caused real difficulties for the students who came to Ontario, particularly through the public-private partnerships that have been talked about this morning. International students who arrived were getting a subpar education and a subpar student experience. It was being done purely for financial benefit.
I am quite pleased that the federal government used the post-graduation work permit to withdraw the opportunity for students, not current ones, to enter those schools in the future. That in itself has dramatically reduced the number of students choosing to enter the colleges that were providing subpar education. It will have the biggest impact, I think, on.... I mean, students have followed this. They know they're not going to be able to stay to work post-graduation, so they are voting with their feet. They are not going to those colleges.
I think that is a positive thing the federal government did. It has had a positive impact.