I call this meeting to order.
Good afternoon. We are meeting in public. Welcome to meeting 117 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. I would like to remind participants of the following points: Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. All comments must be addressed through the chair. Whether participating in person or by Zoom, please raise your hand if you wish to speak. The clerk and I will manage the speaking order as best as we can.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee at the meeting convened on October 21, 2024, the committee is commencing its briefing on the “2024 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration”.
Also, pursuant to Standing Order 81(5) and the motion adopted by the committee on November 18, 2024, the committee is commencing its study of the supplementary estimates (B) 2024-25, votes 1b, 5b and 10b under Department of Citizenship and Immigration.
Before I welcome our witnesses, I would love to welcome two members. Arpan Khanna, MP, is becoming a regular member at this committee. Welcome.
We welcome Peter Fragiskatos to the committee for a little while. I'm sure you're going to be here for a half hour. You will enjoy it. This is probably the most disciplined committee that you will see. It's not me, but everybody here—all the members.
I would now like to welcome our witnesses for today's meeting.
We have with us the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. Accompanying him are deputy minister Dr. Harpreet Singh Kochhar; Louise Baird, senior assistant deputy minister for strategic policy; the assistant deputy minister for service delivery, Pemi Gill; the assistant deputy minister for asylum and refugee resettlement, Soyoung Park; and last but not least, chief financial officer Nathalie Manseau. Welcome.
Minister Miller is with us for the first hour, and the officials will be available to answer questions during the first and second hours.
I will keep a few minutes at the end of the second hour to report the supplementary estimates (B) to the House if the committee decides to do so.
Before I welcome the minister, Peter, you are new to the committee, but Arpan, you've been a regular. One thing in this committee is that members have the very important task of asking the questions and the minister and his associates have a duty to answer. I don't want to be in the middle, interrupting your conversation, so if someone thinks that the minister or the associates are going too long, raise your hand and I'll stop the watch. I will not take that time so that I'm not in between in your conversation and so that it goes smoothly.
With that, I welcome Minister Miller for five minutes. Please go ahead, Minister.