I call the meeting to order. We are meeting in public. Welcome to meeting number 119 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. I would like to remind participants of the following points. Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. All comments should be addressed through the chair. Whether participating in person or by Zoom, please raise your hand if you wish to speak. The clerk and I will manage the speaking order as best we can.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee at the meeting convened on October 21, 2024, the committee is resuming its study of the recent reforms to the international student program.
MP Dzerowicz, welcome to the committee. I know you're very passionate about immigration and chairing the Liberal caucus on immigration, so welcome.
On behalf of the committee members, I would like to welcome the witnesses for today's meeting.
From the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, we have with us, Jean Daniel Jacob. Welcome, Mr. Jacob.
From the Dais at Toronto Metropolitan University, we have by video conference the director of policy and research, Mr. André Côté. Welcome.
Finally, from my own part of Canada, from Vancouver Community College, we have president and chief executive officer, Mr. Ajay Patel. Mr. Patel, welcome to the committee.
Up to five minutes will be given for opening remarks, after which we will proceed with the rounds of questions.
I want to remind all honourable members that any honourable member who's asking questions and feels that the witness is going too long is to raise the hand. I will stop the clock, and I will start it again once the honourable member starts to speak.
I would also request of the witnesses to keep an eye on the honourable member who's asking questions. When the hand is raised, that is a signal to wrap up. I don't want to be interrupting between the conversations because I will be taking more time from the members if I need to intervene. That works very well with this committee.
Now I would like to welcome Mr. Jacob.
You have five minutes for your opening statements. Please go ahead.