I'm open to digging into this. One thing I hesitate to do, before we have an opportunity to address some of these challenges, is to immediately react to say that the right thing to do is to ship it out to an independent body. To the extent that there are problems we can address, I think it's incumbent upon me, as the minister, to address them before we start delaying by giving it to a third party.
For example, questions about sexual activity for somebody who's trying to prove the legitimacy of their marriage are heartbreaking for that person to go through. To the extent that we can deal with these sorts of things by investing in training for officers, I don't think we need to wait for an independent report to tell us that might be an appropriate thing to do.
To your question, I'm open to building this into a broader part of the anti-racism work going on within the department. Before I would commit to saying that we have to ship it out to a third party for an independent review, I'd have to satisfy myself that we're not able to do it on our own, even though I know we should.