Mr. Dhaliwal, I would suggest that in addition to what the imam has suggested, we also take a look at the collection of data on this aspect.
We have lots of anecdotal information. I often say that what gets measured gets addressed, so let's get the hard data so we can continue to prove that our communities have absolutely been correct that they are facing differential treatment based on their countries of origin, religion and race. Until we have that data....
We are very clear as Canadians that we expect the department to answer when we see the disproportionate impact on particular communities, and then to put these things in place. I think cultural education is really good. We have to begin to hold those with decision-making power accountable for the decisions that are being made by the department. If folks know that jobs are on the line, that they will need to publicly report on the decisions and on the various communities that are disproportionately being affected, I believe that also changes behaviour.
I think there are a number of tools that we need to use. Education and cultural training absolutely are good, but let's also collect the data, report it, and have the department talk about what it's doing to address the findings of the data collection.