Thank you, Madam Chair.
I just want to say very clearly that the motion we just passed is not only for officials to come before the committee. There's a component within that motion that clearly says they would have to provide undertakings on the public record that the committee members request. Some of the documentation that Mr. Genuis has requested in his motion would be some of the documentation that I would be interested in receiving. I have every intention to actually make those requests of the officials, and for them to provide it to us on the public record for the purpose of transparency.
I reject the notion that if I don't support Mr. Genuis's motion, I'm somehow against transparency. Nothing could be further from the truth. We will have an opportunity to undertake this work. If the officials come forward after our request for the documentation to be received on the public record before we write our report and the documentation is deficient, there is always an opportunity to follow up with respect to that.
I think from this perspective, I'd like to actually give the officials a chance and give the department a chance to do their work. For that reason, I think we can park this motion. That's what I would suggest.
In fact, I move to adjourn debate on Mr. Genuis's motion.