Basically the first application under the new caregiver program that we submitted was in December 2019. We only had an approval, a work permit, this January 2022. That is more than two years for processing.
I have another client for whom we submitted an application before that. We submitted an application as well for a work permit. Basically she is just considered unemployed. Her work permit is already expired, but basically she is working on an implied status because we submitted the application before the expiry, but up to now, more than two years later, we haven't received any decision on the work permit, so we have a client here who might not have access to health care or other government services because she has an expired work permit. Basically, that is the kind of situation we have.
I have never yet seen, since the new caregiver program was launched, a quick processing time. Right now, after two years, I have had only one result. For the rest, we are still waiting.