The motion continues as follows:
that the officials invited include Patrick Therrien, Counsel, Legal Services (DOJ), IRCC and Brian Smith, Assistant Director, Immigration, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada; that the third meeting be outside legal experts, and other witnesses as the committee sees fit; that these meetings be televised; that these meetings occur at the earliest opportunity possible and no later than November 4, 2022; that the Committee send for all information and documents, including: emails, briefing notes, memorandums, text messages, all electronic forms of communications, phone calls (summary notes), hand written notes and any other correspondence, communication or documentation in the possession of the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada or any subsidiary organizations relating to either the trademark case T-834-20 and related counter-suits before the federal court, or to the coming into force of section 292 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1, provided that:
(a) these documents shall be deposited with the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, in an unredacted form, within 14 days of the adoption of this order;
(b) the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel redact all information that might reasonably be expected to compromise the personal contact information of individuals, and provide the redacted versions to the Committee;
(c) that the Access to Information packages JUS-A2020-00969, PCO-A-2020-00569, IRCC-2A 2020-93519 (part 1, part 2 and part 3) be sent to the Parliamentary Law Clerk without redaction for the Clerk to determine if redactions can be lifted and tabled with the committee,
(d) the committee hold an in-camera meeting with the Law Clerk, within seven days of the conclusion of his redaction of the documents, in order to determine which documents could be made public; and,
(e) should the department not provide documents in their unredacted form within ten days to the Law Clerk, that the Deputy Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Refugees Canada be scheduled to appear, and the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Refugees Canada be invited to appear before the committee within 21 days of this motion passing to explain why the documents were not provided,
(f) should the Minister or Deputy Minister after this appearance still not turn over the documents in an unredacted form within ten days, or fail to appear within the 21 days, the Chair shall be instructed to report at their earliest opportunity to the House the following: “Your committee has requested documents from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and these documents have not been provided.”