So the answer is that you will get down to a certain number of days, which you can't define, and a certain number of months, which you're not sure of. That's not terribly helpful.
Following Ms. Kwan and her request, I have one as well on behalf of the committee.
You can provide this afterwards. We're having trouble getting answers looking forward, so I'm going to look backwards, which should be much easier for you. Starting in 2015-16, please provide the committee with the breakdown by fiscal year of the number of permanent resident cards that were delivered late, the average time they were delivered late, the reasons they were delivered late, and what steps the department is taking to meet its expected delivery times. I'll give you until March 10 to provide that information to the committee. That would be appreciated.
I want to switch gears to talk about compassion, specifically the lack of compassion my colleagues and myself have seen when dealing with people. “Mechanical”, “inhuman”, “emotionless”, “insensitive”, “callous” and “unwilling to listen” are the words that I hear as an MP when people tell me about their loved ones who can't enter Canada because of immigration cases. Many decisions are based on simple paperwork errors or things that were forgotten. There is a ruthless application of the rules and denials.
How do you ensure that there is some level of compassion in your department? Is there any sensitivity training that you put your officials through, Mr. Mills?