Thank you very much for your question.
I am very pleased to report to the committee that we've done a tremendous amount of work over the past 24 months as a result of the pandemic.
As you know, initially all IRCC operations were done with paper forms, and examinations and citizenship ceremonies were conducted in person. Over the past 24 months, we've introduced virtual citizenship ceremonies. That way, people don't have to go anywhere and we're capitalizing on the technology. We ensure the integrity of the program and we verify identity. It's all done properly.
This year, more than 133,000 individuals became new Canadian citizens at virtual citizenship ceremonies. In addition, knowledge of Canada testing is now being conducted online. Clients are invited to take the test online, which means they get their results faster. We rolled out the system in November 2020, so we've been using it for over a year. We're now inviting over 5,000 people per week to take the test, and that number is higher than it was before COVID‑19. So we've truly improved our performance.
We've made a third change to IRCC operations: We now let applicants 18 years and over submit their application online. We no longer use paper forms, and this allows us to work remotely and process applications directly in our global case management system. In the event of disruption in some cities due to COVID‑19, people can work from home because the records are now electronic.